The design ambition with the proposal for Athletics Stadium is to find and explore a different relationship between a historical monument and the visitors. On one part the timeless stadiums through history of architecture and on the other a dynamic and moving collective of visitors.

The questions we asked ourselves was, how can we change the fundamental design of stadium in order to make them relate to the visitors of all different political, social and economic areas of life? How can we allow for all and everyone to go to the stadium and be part of this exciting social events without the need for a ticket or an entry fees and really create a link between the public and the games.

The stadium is not a singular timeless, and space-less monument but it rather aims to become an essential part of the urban fabric by linking the outside with the inside of the stadium. An outdoor public platform on the south side of the main circulation axis of the city provides a visual relation between the city an the interior of the stadium.

Kostika Lala
project type:
Competition Proposal
City of Brasilia
60 000 Occupancy
6 month
November 12, 2015